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Frequently Asked Questions
A restricted padlock utilises restricted key blanks to restrict access to your building or complex and stop unauthorised duplication. These key blanks are restricted to only a handful of suppliers and makes unauthorised key duplication very difficult. Perfect for commercial industries.
The first thing to know about a restricted key is that it looks different than any other kind. It either has two rows of cuts or dimples cut into its surface, and it comes with unique side millings. Locksmiths will be able to identify these keys easily. Sometimes the key will have “restricted” on the keyhead.
Yes, you can order additional keys for a restricted padlock. However, due to the this being a restricted profile, additional keys can only be issued to authorised individuals.Please send a picture of the front and back of your existing key over to: info@locksdirect.co.uk and we will be able to assist you on the next steps in ordering the extra keys that you require.
Yes, you can order restricted locks that all work with the same key. Simply choose the "keyed alike" option when purchasing. There is no limit as to how many padlocks you can have on one key.